USS - Grepping datasets

I wanted to use my old ISPF panel for GNU grep that I created over 10 years ago. Unfortunately the variant of grep that was part f s390utils that we used to have on our system is no longer avaiable.

I have recently set up - the latest attempt to port open source tools to z/OS. It works very well, but has one small flaw. It does not support working with datasets.

With the old s390util variant of GNU grep I could have run a script like this

//*                         BPXBATCH DOES NOT (FORK+EXEC)     
//* IBM Grep is sitll corupted                                
//* GNU Grep does not understand LOCALE under z/OS            
//*     sad story ... use sed instead                         
//STDIN    DD PATH='/dev/null',PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY)             
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                        
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                        
//STDENV   DD *                                               
//STDPARM  DD DATA,DLM=@@                                     
-f //dd:script                                                
//SCRIPT   DD DATA,DLM=$$                                     

To search fo the word CVTMAP starting at the beginning of some record in SYS1.MACLIB. Note the not character ¬ in the pattern. Because the JCL is encoded in the traditional MVS EBCDIC IBM-037 and the grep utility is compiled for Unix System Services with the standard USS EBCIDIC IBM-1047 I had to change what you would expect to be ’^’ into ’¬’.

There are three characters (that mattered to me so far) that are different between IBM-027 and IBM-1047 and ’^’ is one of them. The other two are the squqre brackets ’[’ ’]’. Maybe one day I will understand why IBM had to create the 1047 codepage when they were adding the “open eddition” unix to MVS.