ZVDT - Adding a volume to z/OS

Just got my ZVDT to do some testing and wanted to install zopen.community on it. Unfortunately I did not have enough space in the default volumes. So I decided to learn how to add one.

Create a volume file

ZVDT comes with alcckd (ALloCate CKD) that creates a volume file. One can iether specify the device type and number of cylinders or particular model. I only needed 8GB volume, so I decided to allocate a mod 9 volume.

alcckd <volnam> -d 3390-9`

This will create a file named <volnam>. now we need to add it to the dev map for the emulator.

Add the volume to devmap

Add the following line to your devmap file.

device  <devnum>    3390    3390    </path/to/the/folder>/<volnam>

where <devid> is the device id. It has to be unique.

Boot up

Now start the emulator via

awsstart --clean </path/to/your/devmap/file>

and once started IPL the machine

ipl <resnum> parm <sysnum>xy

where <resnum> is the respack volume device id and <sysnum> is the system volume device id.

Format the volume

To format the volume, run the following ICKDSF job.

The STORAGEGROUP keyword means this will be an SMS managed volume.

//SYSIN    DD   *
 INIT UNIT(<devid>) NOVERIFY VOLID(<volnam>) -
      VTOC(0,1,149) INDEX(15,0,100) -

Note that once you submit the job, it will be sitting there with a WTOR and waiting for a reply. Check the job log for the prompt number and reply to it with U in the master console - R <waitnum>,U.

To learn details about what it does and what the numbers in VTOC and INDEX mean, take a look in the Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF) User’s Guide and Reference manual.

Activate the volume

Now we have a volume that is ready to be used. To enable it issue the VARY ONLINE command in the master console.


Check the result

Now you can go to ISPF 3.4 and specify the volume name in the Volume Serial field and list the datasets.

You should see something like


Now you should be able to allocate datasets on the volume.